Laura Gerber
Director of Operations

Laura Gerber
Director of Operations

Laura Gerber is a highly skilled professional serving as the Director of Operations for the Lisa Harris Home Team. With a background in administration, Laura brings a wealth of experience in technology, business systems, and efficient operations management to the team.

Before entering the real estate industry in 2016, Laura spent several years providing administrative support in doctor's offices and working as a beta tester and trainer for medical software. Her diverse background equipped her with exceptional organizational and technological skills that have proven invaluable in her real estate career.

Laura's journey in real estate began when she became one of Lisa Harris' first clients almost 20 years ago as a first-time home buyer. This experience ignited her passion for the industry, and she now finds herself in a full circle moment, working alongside Lisa to help others achieve their homeownership dreams.

Prior to joining the Lisa Harris Home Team in 2023, Laura excelled as a tech trainer and later served as an executive assistant to the team leader at Keller Williams Realty Amarillo. Her expertise in technology and her commitment to providing exceptional administrative support make her an indispensable asset to the team.

With her dedication to leveraging technology, streamlining business systems, and providing top-notch support, Laura Gerber plays a pivotal role in ensuring the Lisa Harris Home Team delivers a seamless and exceptional real estate experience to their clients. Her commitment to helping others achieve their dreams is evident in every aspect of her work.

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